Any character in Genshin Impact can be your main DPS as long as you invest accordingly. That means if you want Yae Miko to do the heavy-lifting in your team, it’s entirely possible. However, the ideal identity for Yae Miko is off-field sub-DPS. In this role, she should be on the field as little as possible and only switched in when her skills and bursts are off cool-down. After Yae’s EEEQEEE is spammed in succession, she’s done her job and can be swapped out for another party member. Here we unpack why Yae’s abilities make her a good off-field sub-DPS, as well as what suggested artifact stats and best weapons players should equip her with.
Note: The below suggested builds are just theoretically what fits C0 Yae Miko best. For a new character, it usually takes a couple weeks for theory-crafters–bless their hard-working souls–to test out different builds and team comps in order to arrive at the meta answer. So keep in mind that these suggested artifact stats have not been verified through practical in-game means.
From Yae’s kit, it’s clear she shares similarities with Fischl, another Electro character. Fischl’s Oz can also be used as a turret to deal electro damage while Fischl is off-field. Similarly, Yae can deal constant electro damage with Sesshou Sakura even when she’s not on the field.
Elemental skill: Sesshou Sakura (SS)
- Yae, at a maximum, can summon three Sesshou Sakura on the field at the same time. Each SS strikes 5 times over 14 seconds, dealing a total of 15 strikes over 14 seconds if three SS are present. Strikes also generate 1 elemental particle (only one SS can generate particles), so 5 elemental particles are also generated every 14 seconds.
Elemental Burst: Tenko Keshin (TK)
- Each SS on the field turns into a Tenko Electrobolt and deals AOE electro dmg. SS disappear after TK skill is triggered.
Artifact Main Stats And Substats
Yae’s Elemental Burst costs 90, which is a lot of energy. She also only generates a small amount, 5 for every 14 seconds, of elemental particles. So to make her work effectively and her Burst available often, Yae’s artifact substats should focus on Energy Recharge (ER%) as much as possible.
Aside from a lot of ER%, try to dump her other substats into ATK%, Crit%, and Crit Dmg%. For artifacts, the rule of thumb is to get 70% ATK and then other artifact stats can go into Crit% (ideally 50% at least) and Crit Dmg% (ideally 100% at least). The ideal ratio between Crit% and Crit Dmg% is 1:2. Weapon and the individual character’s base Crit% and Crit Dmg% stats should also be taken into consideration when maintaining the ratio. (Full credit to Genshin Resources and NGA for unearthing this beautiful mathematical model of optimized damage output.)
If you’re going to use her as your main DPS (and run her with an electro character who can serve as battery), then you can experiment with fitting in more ATK%, Crit%, and Crit Dmg% rather than trying to achieve max ER%. The character on the field when a particle is generated will receive more ER, so Yae’s energy will be re-generated faster when she’s the main DPS. Yae also comes with 20% Crit in her Ascension stats, so keep that in mind when balancing substats.
I’d say since Yae needs as much ER% as she can get, achieving around 40% Crit (before factoring in Yae’s Crit Ascension bonus) and trying to hit 200% Crit Dmg overall–artifacts and weapon stats included–would already be an ideal build.
Artifacts | Suggested Main Stats | Suggested Substats |
Flower | HP | ER% > Crit/Crit Dmg% > ATK% |
Feather | Flat ATK | ER% > Crit/Crit Dmg% > ATK% |
Sands | ATK% | ER% > Crit/Crit Dmg%> ATK% |
Goblet | ATK% | ER% > ATK% |
Circlet | Crit/Crit Dmg% | ER% > ATK% |
Artifact Sets
Artifact sets that give ER% bonuses or increase Electro DMG fit Yae Miko well. You can try mixing and matching the following sets:
- Emblem of Severed Fate:
- 2 Piece: ER +20%
- 4 Piece: Elemental Burst DMG +25% of Energy Recharge. Max 75% bonus.
- Thundering Fury:
- 2 Piece: Electro Dmg bonus +15%.
- 4 piece: Overloaded, Electro-Charged and Superconduct damage is increased by 40%. Elemental Skill CD by 1s when such effects are triggered.
A good sub-DPS set for Yae is the 4-piece Noblesse Oblige set:
- 2 Piece: Elemental Burst +20% Dmg
- 4 Piece: Using an Elemental Burst increases all party members’ ATK by 20% for 12s. This effect cannot stack
Mihoyo released a new five-star weapon, Kagura’s Verity, specifically for Yae Miko. So it’s no surprise that Kaguya Verity is indeed the best choice for anybody who is willing to pull out their wallet and gamble on the soul-crushing weapon banner. Other easier-to-obtain weapon options are included below as well. Keep in mind that your weapon choice will affect how you should build your artifacts. For instance, if Yae is equipped with Kagura’s Verity, then you can focus on increasing Crit% substats rather than Crit Dmg% substats.
Kagura’s Verity (5-star)
- At level 90, Kagura’s Verity gives 66.2% Crit Dmg.
- Weapon effect: “Gains the Kagura Dance effect when using an Elemental Skill, causing the Elemental Skill DMG of the character wielding this weapon to increase by 12% for 16s. Max 3 stacks. This character will gain 12% All Elemental DMG Bonus when they possess 3 stacks.”
Skyward Atlas (5-star)
- At level 90, Skyward Atlas gives ATK +33.1%.
- Weapon effect: “Increases Elemental DMG Bonus by 12%. Normal attack hits have a 50% chance to earn the favor of the clouds, which actively seeks out nearby enemies to attack for 15s. Dealing 160% ATK DMG. Can only occur once every 30s.”
The Widsth (4-star, good F2P option)
- At level 90, Widsth gives 55.1% Crit Dmg.
- Weapon effect: “When a character takes the field, they will gain a random theme song for 10s. This can only occur once every 30s. Recitative: ATK is increased by 60%. Aria: Increases all Elemental DMG by 48% Come from Sports betting site VPbet . Interlude: Elemental Mastery is increased by 240.”
Team comps
Yae can fit into a lot of different teams as an off-field sub-dps. I’m also of the mind that you can literally just toss together whatever team and use them in the overworld (your favorite characters > meta comps), but below are a few recommendations for more serious content like the Abyss.
Electro Battery Team Comp
- Yae’s energy needs are a concern, so characters who can be her battery are a good choice for team comps. If you have Raiden, I’d suggest running Yae with her. Raiden’s Elemental Burst, along with damage, comes with elemental particle generation for all party members. Fischl should theoretically help out with ER needs as well.
Swirl Team Comp
- This section previously included superconduct teams for Yae, but as Genshin players have pointed out–superconduct teams aren’t really powerful. Sad! I love the aesthetic and it works for me, but other elemental reactions are better in terms of damage.
- Swirl teams are still great with Yae. Try running Yae, Raiden (battery), Kazuha (swirl), and Bennett (healer).